понедельник, 30 сентября 2013 г.

Интел представил процессор запитанный вином

Забавную инновацию представил Intel на прошедшем Intel Developer Forum  - новый процессор  который работает на электричестве вырабатываемом за счёт окислительно-восстановительных процессов в бокале красного вина! 
Genevieve Bell, директор отдела "Interaction and Experience Research", сказала: “Кто-то превращал воду в вино, а мы в  в Intel превращаем вино в электричество."

Low power chipsets powered by chemical reactions have huge potential for developing nations

As the Intel Developer Forum comes to a close, it means it’s time for many of the weird and wonderful innovations that took place to be revealed to the world. One particularly interesting device is a processor that powers itself using just a glass of wine.
Intel’s Dr Genevieve Bell demonstrated the device that uses two electrodes placed in a glass of wine, which react with the acetic acid in the beverage to create a tiny current with enough juice to to power an incredibly low power chipset.
The company believes these ultra low power chips have huge potential when it comes to connecting people in less developed countries.This kind of power source isn’t unique, schoolchildren have been making potato batteries for years in a similar way.
The point of the demonstration however, was to prove that even a tiny amount of power could run this new brand of Intel silicon.
As reported by The Register, Bell talked about the possibilities of this particular technology:
It’s possible to start to imagine a world of incredibly low power but also with high performance, which will help unburden us, help us do things that are remarkable and gives the ability to power things like constant sensing, communication, and computing – all of which are necessary for our mobile future.
While it’s certainly an interesting concept, the challenge with this latest technology would be making sure not to drink your power source too quickly.

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